What does success for a business look like when working with the Education Sector?
Education Partnerships (EPS) achieved notable successes in 2022 whilst delivering powerful programs for businesses and government agencies providing a range of educational services to schools. These successes include the development of resources for the FIBA Women’s Basketball World Cup, accreditation by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA), and working with various organisations to develop professional learning programs.
Throughout the beginning of 2022, EPS worked closely with FIBA Women’s Basketball World Cup to create educational resources. The resources were educationally engaging, with the media competition providing purpose, marketing, and PR content for the FIBA Women’s World Cup 2022.
“Heather led the planning and delivery of a series of education resources for the FIBA Women’s Basketball World Cup 2022 and did an incredible job. From stakeholder consultation through to final design, Heather provided her expertise every step of the way to ensure the project was a success. She was generous with her knowledge, thorough with her planning and a pleasure to work with.” Alicia Kish (Marketing, Digital and Audience Engagement).
EPS also successfully navigated the Accreditation process of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) on behalf of an EdTech company and The Crawford Fund. EPS worked alongside clients to develop professional learning opportunities for educators and teachers by outlining the requirements and aligning them with professional teaching standards to have these opportunities accredited by NESA. This significant accomplishment reflects the high level of professionalism and proficiency of EPS in creating instructional programmes.
Education Partnership collaborated with the Australian Olympic Committee throughout 2022 to equip Olympians to provide engaging curriculum-linked presentations to primary, secondary, and tertiary school students. Since 2016, the Australian Olympic Committee has collaborated with EPS to provide Summer and Winter Games materials. Also, EPS provided Conflict Resolution Services with a feasibility study and strategic plan to help them identify the need for mediation training to support relationships in the education sector. The objective was to assist the educational community in helping schools deal with complex relationships.
EPS collaborated with Entropolis, a company specialising in entrepreneurship education, over the second half of 2022 to develop learning experiences based on the general capabilities of Critical and Creative Thinking, Problem-Solving, and Personal and Social Capabilities. EPS and Entropolis created online courses using the design thinking process to enable students to think creatively and engage in hands-on learning.
Another significant success of EPS in 2022 was the Asia Education Foundation’s one-day design sprint, which involved over 300 students from Australia and Papua New Guinea. The sprint included a live workshop with breakout groups and audio recordings to support schools that may have lost connection during the sprint. EPS initiated and engaged Maximo Torero, Chief Economist, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) for the United Nations, to present to the students why their voice matters to a global audience. Maximo also provided certificates and letters of thanks from the FAO to all participating schools. The work was profiled at the World Food Forum in Rome in October 2022.
The Food Security Design Sprint and Growing Food for the Future Guided Project are initiatives from the PNGAus Partnership Secondary Schools (PASS) Initiative, managed by Tetra Tech International Development on behalf of the Australian Government, supported by Asia Education Foundation at Asialink, The University of Melbourne.
Many significant achievements were realised through the close collaborative work between EPS and their clients. Whether it is developing educational resources, professional development opportunities for teachers and staff, providing communications support, or navigating the Education Sector, EPS has the expertise and dedication to providing high-quality education services.